by Blue Drum Events | May 21, 2020 | Dinner, Events, Incentive, Team building games, Tours
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, team activities on tablets or mobiles acquired very special attention. Seems that this year the revolution of contactless, self-run events, team activities and trainings finally begin. Blue Drum Events provides the multi-purpose platform... by Blue Drum Events | Feb 21, 2019 | Dinner, Events
Perfect gala dinners come in all sorts of styles. Will you go for the classic limos-and-champagne approach, or something a bit more exotic? A medieval-themed meal, a yacht cruise, or maybe a magical party in the forest? How about a hot Brazilian dance lesson before... by Blue Drum Events | Feb 4, 2019 | Dinner
Kujuta ette koolituse lõppu. Väsimus. Kõigi ajud kärssavad. Ja järsku astuvad ruumi sisse kaks kimonotes jaapani neiut ning juhatavad inimesed Glo Bussi. (See on selline äge sädelev peobuss.) Bussis pakutakse saket, räägitakse, kuidas seda juua ja mis värk sellega... by Blue Drum Events | Aug 1, 2018 | Celebrations, Dinner, Events, Tours
You can explore a country with your eyes and ears, but really understanding a culture means using your taste buds and your tummy. Blue Drum arranges cooking events where one of the top chefs of Finland and Estonia presents local modern food specialities. Intrigued?...
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